Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Reading others' blogs is a little like consensual voyeurism, which, I suppose, is somewhat of an oxymoron. Nevertheless, it's pretty much reading someone else's diary. I've always wondered what drives people to be nosy, and why that kind of curiosity is so common; without exception, if you go digging around in someone else's personal life, you're apt to find something you don't like. It's like rummaging through someone's underwear drawer and finding fur-lined leather briefs or something. Sorta.

In any case, I suppose a good question to go along with that is why people allow themselves to be picked apart, and their personal lives examined like that. Perhaps some modern iteration of vanity? We grow up in a culture where celebrities are idolized, and where more kids know who Ronald McDonald is than Mother Teresa. Celebrities enjoy an existence that is so far removed from the every day lifestyle of the average person and somehow we grow up thinking that being rich and famous is the epitomizes the ideal. So maybe by making your blog publicly available, you're setting up the framework for your own kind of celebrity, the celebrity that comes with being scruitinzed and looked at.

That said, I'm writing in my blog right now. But if the point of a blog/diary is to write as if no one is reading, but you write it knowing that you're going to publish it, doesn't that mean that everything you're writing is insincere and contrived anyways? If honestly I didn't care about who read this, I wouldn't even take the few seconds I do now to look over it for really stupid spelling mistakes or egregious grammatical errors. Stupid. I'm going to bed, I had the opportunity to go to bed early and instead I'm blogging.


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