Thursday, October 27, 2005

Jaw Muscle-itis

I chewed abut 4 packs of gum yesterday.

Econ 425 midterm in 2 hours and 48 mins: I am blogging.

Realized two days ago, after an evening of doing groceries, getting a prescription refilled, buying new mascara and eating dinner while sitting down with my housemates (both being very signficiant), I have no responsibility to sacrifice my own well-being for an organization that does nothing but ask for more without even pretending to appreciate it. Do you actually think this shit-assed pay cheque is worth my sanity? You've got to be kidding me.

I read for fun the other day. It was great. The whole universe felt a little off-kilter though, because something was definitely wrong with that--well, maybe not wrong, just really really...ODD.

Race on Saturday; talked to someone who did it last year: "It's longer than it looks." Apparently it's like a freakin obstacle course...I wonder if this is what cyclocross is like? I bet that'd be pretty freakin cool...something else to ask Google about. Oh man, I love the interwebs.


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