Saturday, August 13, 2005

BikebikebikebikebikebikeRUN! RUN YOUR ASS OFF!

Went to bed early after mopping the bathroom (and the kitchen--sorta) before Elaine gets back. Woke up at at 6:51, and tried to decide whether I felt good or not--and say "Well, regardless of how you think you feel, you gotta get your sorry ass on the bike!" ...and somehow, had one of the best workouts ever.

Ok, so more numbers:

30.02km, finished in 1:07 - 26.9km/hr average speed. Afterwards, jumped off the bike, locked the sucker up, rip off the helmet and then book it down to the JDUC and back. Oh baby, I was definitely hurting when I got back to the porch, but at least now I have an idea of what the first 600m or so are going to feel like during the race. Maybe. Last time I checked, I didn't swim 750m before taking off on the bike.

Today's going to be a big day: made it down to the Goat by 9:30, going to do some work before a hard swim (according to the schedule). AND THEN IT'S OFF TO GANANOQUE FOR GREAT BIG SEA! I'm not the biggest fan, but their music's some good ol' fun, so I have no doubt it's going to be a good show.

On another note, today is Cyclist Appreciation Day! It's a day of celebration--celebrating yellow, helmets, steel-cable quads and butts that are sore from riding on crappy Kingston roads. Damn the gutters!


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