Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Not really a Tri...more like a Quadrillion

It's rather ironic really, that although I find the idea of endurance sports daunting but not beyond the realm of possibility, the biggest hurdle that faces me now is just breaking a habit of bad eating patterns. I think a lot of people take a varied diet for granted, but after years of eating the same thing with only periodic breaks, knowing exactly what I'm going to eat from day to day is more than a little comforting. It's safe--y'know? And god knows, it makes grocery shopping dead easy.

It sounds simple enough, hit all four food groups, and after that, work on increasing calorie count...right now I'm eating about half of what I should be to sustain this level of activity. Nevertheless, I've been trying to figure out how to do this, but am finding it amazingly difficult. At the same time, I know that unless I do something about this sorry excuse for a diet, I'm never going to build the strength that I'm aiming for, nor am I doing to get a ripped bod and sick abs and a deadly set of guns. Watch out, they'll get ya.

Anyways, off to bed, it's nearly 11. Tomorrow morning: bike, Tomorrow afternoon: running.

Note about this morning's bike ride: I almost ran over a snake!!!!!


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