Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Rewind, Review

It seems like most of this blog is comprised of mega-posts, summarizing and reviewing the events of the x number of weeks that passed since the last post. A major obstacle to a truly cogent and insightful blog is just pure laziness on my part; I'll think of something I'd like to write about, but instead of just sitting down and hammering it out on my lovely Apple keyboard, I file it away for later, telling myself that I need to refine it before sending it out to the void.

Raced again, the Trent duathlon...I was really bummed for the past week because according to the results, I placed 24 out of 33...but then I looked at the results again and realized that they mixed up the names and numbers so I actually placed 8th. Not too shabby at all, considering I crashed and had a pretty rough night right before the race.

Been spending a lot of time thinking about my "style" in terms of artwork; definitely still have a good sense of space and composition, but I'm definitely feeling like there's something missing, an undeniable lack of substance. Feeling greatly uninspired, which is very odd--but perhaps it's simply the sheer amount of constrast and opposites I've been experiencing lately. I need to get back to Stable, Regular, Level, Ordinary...as if it's some sort of exotic destination that I go to for a short idyllic vacation or something.

Something else to think about: semiotics. Signifier and signified. How the community agrees on signs, their meaning, their context, their signficance...why do I get a twinge when I see an image of a skeleton wearing a pair of slippers? Or a woman's body with the head of a bird? Or a bird with a tentacle in place of a wing? Discomfort and irregularity are the only way you'll ever get anyone's attention, and the only way you'll ever make your audience feel something. And really, if you're not out to elicit some sort of emotion or response, what's the point?

I want to make people feel something. Start shit, y'know?

Anyways, off to the gym. More later tonight after homework and Farscape.


Blogger blackhole said...


screw refinement. Stream of consciousness all the way!

1:28 AM  

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